【書籍】Natural Catastrophe Risk Management
and Modelling: A Practitioner's Guide, Chapter 3 The Perils In Brief, Section
3.8 Tsunami, 536 pages, Edited by Kirsten Mitchell-Wallace, Matthew Jones, John
Hillier, Matthew Foote, Wiley-Blackwell, May 2017, ISBN: 978-1-118-90604-0
【書籍】豪雨のメカニズムと水害対策, 434ページ(第3編第3章分担執筆),
(株)エヌ・ティー・エス, 2017年2月, ISBN 978-4-86043-459-5 C3051,
【書籍】Handbook of coastal disaster
mitigation for engineers and planners,Tsunami signs, memorials and evacuation
drills in Miyagi prefecture after the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami, 788 pages,
Elsevier, July 2015, ISBN: 9780128010600
【書籍】HFA IRIDeS Review Preliminary Report
Focusing on 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake (2014) Fumihiko Imamura et al.
【書籍】Relocation After Tsunamis in the
Sanriku Area and the Condition of Fishing Villages Two Years After the 2011
Great East Japan Tsunami, Chapter Post-Tsunami Hazard, Volume 44 of the series
Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research pp 47-58, Anawat
Suppasri, Mari Yasuda, Yoshi Abe, Yo Fukutani, Fumihiko Imamura, Nobuo Shuto,
Date: 23 September 2014
津波災害リスク長期評価のための日本・カナダ連携研究/Collaboration for long-term tsunami risk assessment
between Japan and Canada(2019-2021)(研究代表者:京都大学・森信人)