(監修)第1回 Web グランプリ 企業グランプリ部門 浅川賞優秀賞,
2013年11月8日, 公益社団法人日本アドバタイザーズ協会. 対象サイト「あしたの笑顔のために~防災・減災情報サイト~」(東京海上日動火災保険株式会社)
Longest trip award, 2019年9月17日,Advances in Extreme Value Analysis and
application to Natural Hazard (EVAN), Paris - EDF Lab CHATOU.
(Prepared)【書籍(共著)】State of the art review on tsunami design of buildings and bridges,Section 5 Discussion and comparison of selected design issues.
【書籍(共著)】Natural Catastrophe Risk Management
and Modelling: A Practitioner's Guide, Chapter 3 The Perils In Brief, Section
3.9 Tsunami, 536 pages, Edited by Kirsten Mitchell-Wallace, Matthew Jones, John
Hillier, Matthew Foote, Wiley-Blackwell, May 2017, ISBN: 978-1-118-90604-0
【書籍(共著)】Relocation After Tsunamis in the
Sanriku Area and the Condition of Fishing Villages Two Years After the 2011
Great East Japan Tsunami, Chapter Post-Tsunami Hazard, Volume 44 of the series
Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research pp 47-58, Anawat
Suppasri, Mari Yasuda, Yoshi Abe, Yo Fukutani, Fumihiko Imamura, Nobuo Shuto,
Date: 23 September 2014
津波災害リスク長期評価のための日本・カナダ連携研究/Collaboration for long-term tsunami risk assessment
between Japan and Canada(2019-2021)(研究代表者:京都大学・森信人)